Welcome to TaskBuster’s documentation!

This is an awsome Django Project Boilerplate!!

With this code you can start a complex Django Project very quickly, with just a few steps!

Some of the TaskBuster Django Project Boilerplate functionalities are:

  • different virtual environments for developing, testing and production
  • Internationalization and Localization to support differnt languages
  • Project structure
  • HTML5 Boilerplate
  • Template Inheritance
  • Functional tests
  • robots.txt and human.txt configured

Moreover, you can learn how to create this boilerplate step by step in the TaskBuster Django Tutorial. There you can learn, step by step, how TaskBuster has been done, and even do it yourself if you want to!!

To start using the Boilerplate, check out the :doc: ‘requirements’ and next the :doc: ‘quick_start’.

Indices and tables